
Cable Beach

Cable Beach

 Kimberley Region, Cable Beach Road West, Cable Beach WA 6726, Australia +61 8 9193 7423 Website 12am – 11:59pm Broome Campervan Hire

userloose (contributor)

Cable Beach somehow defines Broome. Of course there is the small town centre (China Town) with its shops, the museum and a few other attractions. But Cable Beach is like a small town on its own, and this is where most of the hotels and resorts are located.
I spent most of my time on the beach, of course because it was so beautiful, but also because this was the only place where I could stand the climate – there was a constant cool breeze here!

Cable Beach might be a strange name, and it is called like this because this is the place where the telegraph cable from Java connected Western Australia to the world. The cable is of course long gone, and now it is just a wonderful and impressive beach. It is 22km long and was indeed one of the best beaches I have ever seen. Just incredibly long, and during this time of the year not crowded at all. When I did a long walk in the morning from Gantheaume Point back to Cable Beach town, there were hardly any people! And even in the evening, when the camel rides for the tourists are done and people come to see the sunset, it did not feel crowded. Combined with this special, soft light that I only encountered in Western Australia, it felt like a piece of paradise.

My long beach walk was probably one of the best and most relaxing I have ever done, and Cable Beach totally lived up to my expectations. It is one of the places I really want to return to.

grottyboars (contributor)

The bus driver took us by Cable Beach because he said this was one of the things about Broome that we MUST see (even though it wasn’t on the tour). He told us it was named because this was where telephone cables had been laid. Apparently people ride camels on this beach although we did not see that.

I see from the internet that the beach is sometimes closed because the salties (Salt Water Crocs) also like this beach.

anvilcomplain (contributor)

The driver took us Cable Beach and I got out and took some photos. This was not actually one of the places listed on the tour. We just walked up to the top of the dune and took photos – we didn’t actually go down on the beach. There were some areas of rock in the sand

It looked like a nice beach and there were people there even though it was winter in Australia. The driver told us that the beach was named after the telegraph cable laid between Broome and Java in 1889. They ride camels on this beach.

furbelowheal (contributor)

Cable Beach it seems is the beach to be seen at. The beach itself is sparkling clean and a huge expanse of white, hard sand.

Be prepared to see some “expanses” of nude bodies!

You can hire sun lounges and umbrellas during the peak season.

jauntyredneck (contributor)

Watching the sunset is a popular activity in Broome. Many take their dinner, a lot more take drink, all come to watch the sun go down over the water.
Depending of what cloud formations there are, you may be in for a special treat but, more often that not during the tourist season (the dry) there will be no clouds.
However, when I was there there was a fire somewhere inland and the smoke drifted over and gave an unusual colour to the evening sky. None of these pictures have been touched up in any way, it’s just the way it was.
You can also drive onto the beach.

Latest Images of Cable Beach, Broome

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