
Harbour Bridge

Darling Harbour South Steyne Floating Restaurant

 Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney NSW, Australia +61 2 9240 1100 Website 8am – Late Sydney Campervan Hire
Romeodesktop (contributor)

THE quintessential portrait of Sydney starts with the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, as photographed from MacQuarie’s chair. There’s no more poignant and representative image of this great city than these two world-famous images. The previous tip discussed the Opera House….

But for the more adventurous sort, we can talk about Sydney’s Harbour Bridge…

From a cartological standpoint, the Sydney Harbour Bridge connects Dawes Point and the Rocks in Sydney to North Sydney, via the Bradfield Highway. The bridge was completed in 1932 and is 1,132 meters long. It accomodates pedestrian walkways, and only requires less than an hour to walk across and back. You’ll be rewarded with another spectacular look at downtown Sydney, and you’ll get a breath of fresh harbor air as you do so. Now, as you may know, you may CLIMB the Harbour Bridge, for an even more scintillating look at Sydney. But, if that sounds a bit athletic, you might want to stop off at the Pylon Lookout, which is on the SE pylon of the bridge. For about A$5 (adults), you can walk up about 200 steps to a point some 100 meters high, which affords a great view.

OK, the pylon will get you a “little high” at the Harbour Bridge. For info on getting “extremely high” at the Harbour Bridge, see the following tip. ; )

Skyesort (contributor)

A lot of friends when visiting Sydney always ask if we can cross the famous “coathanger ” Harbour bridge…my advise to travellers in Sydney..get a train across and walk back.(thats the budget way).The first stop over the bridge from the city is MILSONS POINT STATION..any train going to the northern suburbs of Sydney stops at Milsons Point..when travelling across the bridge by train sit upstairs ..as the trains are “double decker” that way you will get the best view..The acess to the footpath across the bridge is easily reached by stairs outside the Milsons Point Railway Station.. The views from the bridge walkway are excellent and good photos of the Opera House , the Quay, and the cities panorama are taken from here..Also many photos of the Harbour Bridge can be taken from Milsons point also..the walkway over the bridge will take you back to “The Rocks” area of Sydney …right by Circular Quay for train or ferry travel.
There is a bridge walk that you can do to the top of the span…but its very expensive..

Indyflash (contributor)

All right, kids… the previous tip spoke of Sydney’s Harbour Bridge, and even told you of a way to improve your view of the city FROM the bridge via the Pylon Lookout.

Now, we get serious. As you’ve heard, you are allowed to actually CLIMB the Harbour Bridge. That’s right….you can freaking climb the bridge, on TOP of it. Shudder….

So, if you’re the super adventurous type, or if your friends are pressuring you to try and you can’t find a way to save face, here’s the scoop. As for the Aussiedoug angle, here it is… Doug’s wife Kerry bought him a gift climb of the Harbour for Christmas. Doug still hasn’t cashed it in, for a variety of reasons. All of them seemed good to me, but still…. Doug’s gotta climb this bridge pretty soon, or Kerry’s out a pile of money.

People have been allowed to climb the bridge since 1998. The experience takes about 3 hours. You check in at BridgeClimb, over at the SE part of the bridge. Climbers leave in small groups every 10 minutes or so. You wear a bridge suit, you’re harnessed to a line. You are also breath-tested for alcohol and are banned from carrying ANYTHING, including cameras. The cost for a daylight climb is around A$200 for adults (as of 2011, per my VT pal mallyak), and a bit less for kids aged 12-16. Twilight climbs are more.

OK two things…. I hear the climb is spectacular. And second, I can’t relate personal experience. Two reasons are that it’s pricy AND I hate that ban on cameras. Hell, if I’m climbing the darned bridge, I want a photo.

But, the biggest reason that I did not climb is that my daughter wanted no part of the endeavor. And this trip to Oz was, mostly, HER dream trip. I’d never have thought of leaving her below for a three hour climb. (Sounds a bit like that “three hour tour” on Gilligan’s Island, doesn’t it?)

If you want to climb the bridge, book early. It fills up fast.

AND, if you’d like to climb it CHEAP, you might contact Aussiedoug and make him an offer on that gift certificate of his. : )

Bluedental (contributor)

The Bridge climb is a memorable experience. Everyone regardless of age should give it a try. It was the most wonderful experiece for us.
You are attached with a harness and are climbing ladders and steep stairs. Meanwhile you look down and there is traffic rushing through on the street below you. The traffic makes the bridge shake a little, but you forget about that once you’re up there. Rafi was scared of height but I dragged him up there and now he wants to do it again :) Avg price is around $150.00 per person, depending on which tour you want to take.
P.S See if you can recognise the people in black :)

loganbus (contributor)

Today I went into town (aussiespeak for going into the city) with the express purpose of walking across the Sydney Harbour Bridge & catching the ferry back to Circular Quay. Seemed like the ideal morning out with beautiful blue skys, very few clouds in the sky & a maximum temperature of a bit over 25 Celsius.

Well the best laid plans of mice & me do indeed often go astray. Bu t not too badly in this case.

I was a bit late starting & taking lots of photos before I’d actually stepped foot on the Bridge walkway didn’t help (either did stopping at Rozelle on the way in for brunch. lol!)

So at 11.30 I started off enjoying the blue sky & dazzling lateish Spring sunshine (yes forgot my hat didn’t I!!!). A mere 5 minutes or so into the walk I came upon a sign saying Pylon Lookout so thinking to myself, “This could lead to some more beautiful photo opportunities” I decided to climb the 200 steps to get up to the Pylon Lookout.

And well worth it, it was for sure! Excellent views in all directions. Some great photos (if only my memory card reader & computer would co-operate I’d be able to tell!). Also very informative recreations using dummies & props to show us a little of what it was like for the workers without today’s much stricter Occupation , Health & Safety standards.

You will get a lot of information about the facts e.g. It’s a 2 hinged single span steel arch bridge, 1149m lon (including approach spans).
The hinges are necessary because on very hot day it can expand up to 18 cm. And lots more. It isn’t a case of information overload though & there are some gr8 photos to go with it. My photo here is taken from one of theirs.

roxiezircon (contributor)

The only reason I would even fathom the idea of climbing a bridge was because I saw people doing it on the Travel Channel. I told myself, if I ever go to Sydney, I am going to do that. Apparently, thousands of other people must have seen the same tv special, because thousands of people do this every year. Several celebrities have done it also, so that makes me feel kinda special.
It is a unforgettable experience, and I advise you to book online well in advance. IT is a popular attraction.
The whole process takes about 3.5 hours. You check in, get dressed in these windbreaker body suits( I went during their winter season, so it might be a different getup if you go during the summertime.), gather your equipment and go through a quick training class (so you know how to work you equipment), then you head out towards the bridge with your personal guide. There are usually 10 people to a group and it is best if you are up front near the guide, versus all the way in the back of the pack where you feel somewhat forgotten.
Be prepared to climb up steep ladders and cross catwalks…then prepare for the amazing view!


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